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Former Foster Trikitty Stanley (Formerly Roosevelt/Link) is Doing Great in His New Home!

Link’s adopter is being so sweet at sending me updates on how he’s doing. šŸ˜€ It was so, so hard seeing him off. I’m not gonna lie, I was crying in the lobby as the adopter finished up the paperwork, and spent about an hour in the foster coordinator’s office bawling my eyes out after they went home. It’s hard, especially when you end up with a foster that stays with you for a longer time (he was one day shy of two months with us). Having the adoptive parent stay in touch definitely has helped a lot! Here’s what he had to say about Link!

“So the little fella practically napped the whole way home, brought him in to get accustomed to his new digs (my finished basement), and he proceeded to carefully walk all around sniffing and looking at everything, and I mean EVERYTHING!ā€¦.he jumped up on the couch, then the love seat, for a better view I supposeĀ JĀ  Checked out his litter box, food, water, then went back into the carrier to relax.Ā  I left him alone for a little while, returned, and he was still chilling in his carrier, so I began rubbing his cheeks, which triggered his motorboat purringĀ JĀ  After a few minutes, I stopped, he got up, left the carrier and walked over to me, rubbed against me, then returned to his carrierā€¦heā€™s so adorable!!!”

“He is adjusting amazingly!Ā  Seems very settled with his new environment, displays tons of affection, is getting around fine, not eating too much dry but devouring the wet, and np with the little box.Ā  Heā€™s settled into a chair which I put the blue blanket on, so looks to be his new bed for now, and when I got up this morning he was all happy to see me, that was until I fed him, when he forgot all about me, and then introduced him to the tree and window sill, which he is no obsessed over!!!Ā  Heā€™s amazing, thank you so much for fostering him Tiffany, as it clearly made all the difference in him adjusting without any problem at all!!!”

“Hey Tiffany, just wanted to give you an update after the first week, itā€™s official, heā€™s StanleyĀ J

Heā€™s the sweetest little guy ever!!!Ā  Adjusting amazingly to his new home and roommate, ha!Ā  Eating like a horse now, so Iā€™ll need to keep an eye on this, and I integrated him into the upstairs only 2 days after I brought him home, and other than being overwhelmed by the surroundings, heā€™s once again adapted incrediblyā€¦had to look out every window, and literally look at every thing in the room, on the walls, you name it, heā€™s quite attentive in curious.Ā  Speaking of which, is very interested at things up high, and his missing leg doesnā€™t seem to prevent him from leaping up on countertops, tables, etc. with grace and easeā€¦I gotta teach him though these are not places he should be.

Heā€™s got purrs seemingly go on forever, meows when heā€™s hungry and when heā€™s lost track of me in the house, which is adorable! and every now and again heā€™ll get a little feisty and wanna take a swat at me, just to keep me in line, yet never in true anger.Ā  Oh and that tail, holy mackerel, it ever stops!!!Ā  Heā€™s a great cuddler, but when heā€™s had his fill, he moves on.Ā  Litter box has been no problem, and heā€™s been pretty mellow in the scratching department.Ā  Iā€™ve kept him on the same food, which he seems to be absolutely fine with.”

I seriously couldn’t have asked for a better match for Stanley, and I’m really happy to introduce another person to the joys of three-legged cats. šŸ˜€


  • #   benny55 on 04.25.18 at 3:51 pm     Reply

    This just warms my heart! And the pictures are absolutely adorable!!

    I applaud you for giving “Stanley” such a good start in life. It takes a very, very special Soul to do what you do. To love them enough to let them go k to a furever home….to make room for another foster and to go through those emotions again…yeah, you are very special!!

    It’s wonderful that you are given updates! Very sweet. And thank you for updating us!!! It thrills us to hear how happy he is šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚

    We’ll look forward to more updates.

    Lots of hugs to you

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    • #   ilovetripods on 04.28.18 at 3:45 am     Reply

      I couldn’t have asked for a better match than those two! The adopter understood how emotional it was for me too, and he couldn’t have handled it better. I don’t think there’s a long list of people who could handle a foster sobbing in the lobby at the hand off, lol. šŸ™

      Thank you so much for the kind words! Fostering has been a big part of my grief and healing process, and I’m glad it also results in getting wonderful cats wonderful homes too. šŸ™‚

      I am so thrilled with the updates and how well Stanley has adapted. He’s such a special boy and he has a truly wonderful home and family now. šŸ˜€

  • #   Purrkins on 04.26.18 at 1:36 pm     Reply

    Excellent they are updating you on link/Stanley;)
    That was my hope for you I agree with Sally special soul as I have said before on Purrkins blog;) I know how awful that had to be to send Link to his new furever home. This is your proof how well you did I do hope you see that! Each soul you bring in and love is a gift for you and another person one day! Kudos to you!

    Sure is nice to see him thriving somewhere else that has to help!
    I would suggest stairs to people for kitties on three as that would take the stress off the remaining limbs. Sure they can do without but it will be a help longterm on the remaining three legs and a great relief to the one remaining leg. Just a suggestion as we should think long-term on three and it does take a toll on their body missing a limb.

    Tripod is carrying on her legacy never doubt that she had to leave too soon, but she is always with you and look what you have done in her name!
    Holly & Purrkinsā¤ļø

    • #   ilovetripods on 04.28.18 at 3:58 am     Reply

      Thank you for the kind words, as always <3

      One reason why it was super hard is that we had him for two months (he was originally going to be adopted after a two week post-surgery recovery period) and that gave him the time to really integrate with the rest of the house by moving from the isolated foster room up to the main floor with everyone.

      I'm proud of that sweet boy and all the progress we helped him make. šŸ™‚ Team Socialization (my two resident super friendly kitties) also did a great job!

      That's one thing that will hopefully help me not end up filling my house with resident kitties, because there's only so much we can handle and I want to make sure that all these new tripod kitties have a safe landing after their surgeries.

      I tried to get Stanley to use pretty much any assistive equipment and he steadfastly ignored them all, lol. šŸ™ The adopter has a three legged resource guide with suggestions like that in it for the long term, though. Thank you! šŸ™‚

      I really hope that she's proud of me, because she is truly the best girl in the world and I want to live up to her wonderful self. I miss her so very much.

  • #   jerry on 04.28.18 at 12:41 am     Reply

    Now that is like a fairy tail ending, wonderful news! You all did great by him, thank you so much.

    • #   ilovetripods on 04.28.18 at 4:00 am     Reply

      Stanley is such a sweet and friendly kitty, so he certainly did a lion’s share of the work here. šŸ™‚ Another foster actually referred this adopter over to me, as he was interested in special needs kitties but her foster was not quite the right fit. I’m very happy that he’s decided to join the three legged cat cult. šŸ™‚

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